Federação Portuguesa da Formação Profissional
e Emprego de Pessoas com Deficiência e Incapacidade

Covid 19

 Covid-19 | Suspension of face-to-face services in FORMEM, and further info

FORMEM informs that due to the pandemic context, face to face services are suspended. Any subject should be addressed via e-mail or telephone, via 239 493 212 and 925 142 209, or through e-mail, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We also underline the importance of reading the following information regarding the actual context, available here: FAQs COVID-19  - Medidas Relativas a Pessoas com deficiência, Suas Famílias e Entidades que lhes Prestam Apoio ( MTSSS), relevant legislation available here: Decreto-lei nº10-A/2020 (Medidas excepcionais e temporárioas Covid-19), Resolução de Conselho de Ministros nº10-A/2020 (Conjunto de medidas de impacto económico), as well as the latest adendum for the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, here: Decreto-lei nº104/2021 - 27th November


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