Federação Portuguesa da Formação Profissional
e Emprego de Pessoas com Deficiência e Incapacidade

group 3354366 960 720General Assembly FORMEM

22nd June | Coimbra

The General Assembly of FORMEM Associates was held on June 22, at 2:30 pm (on second call) at FORMEM's headquarters in Coimbra, with the following agenda:

1. Information;

2. Analysis, discussion and voting of the Federation's activities report and management accounts for the year 2019 and the Fiscal Council's partner;

3. Discussion and sharing of proposals and reflections on the Guide for Vocational Training and People with Disabilities and on Methodologies of Resource Centers for the  Qualification and Employment of People with Disabilities.

The members who were present: A2000, ACIP, APC from Coimbra, APACI, APC from Viseu, APPACDM from Coimbra, APPACDM from Viseu, ARCIL, ASSOL, CECD Mira Sintra, CERCIAV, CERCIAMA, CERCICAPER, CERCIFAF, CERCIGUI, CERCILISBOA, CERCILMARANTE, , CERCIPOM and Fundação Liga, who unanimously approved the Report on Activities and Management Accounts for 2019 and the opinion of the Supervisory Board.

pdfConvocatória Assembleia Geral FORMEM - Coimbra, 22 de Junho de 2020

FORMEM – Federação Portuguesa da Formação Profissional e Emprego de Pessoas com Deficiência e Incapacidade
Rua Coronel Júlio Veiga Simão, Edifício CTCV, 3º piso,
3025-307 Coimbra | Portugal
NIF: 502 729 627
Phone: +351 239 493 212
Portuguese tax identification number (NIF) and Statutory registration (NIPC): 502 729 627
European Commission registration (PIC): 900411328
Disability NGO registration (ONGPD): 38/2014 -INR I.P.

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